Saturday, January 7, 2012

Bring it 2012

As I stare outside at our Christmas tree in two pieces sitting lonely on the curb, I'm reminded of the way I feel every year after the holidays...empty. Some call it the "holiday blues", I guess I just kinda call it " what?". "Now what" is easy, actually, if I'd just get off my procrastinating ass and get organized.

Giuliana's first birthday is a little over a month away. I feel the crazy pressure associated with making the perfect party for her. She's my first child, it's her first birthday, make this shit GOOD..right? Well, that's one way to look at it, but I'm choosing to try to make this a little less stressful on myself. I mean, I have help if I just ask for it and really, what kind of off the chain kegger can I really throw in a place that can realistically hold 20 people? (and let's hope those people like each other, because it's gonna be a tight fit). One detail at a time, right? This is what I keep telling myself. That and ask for the help. I'm not good at either one, so it's time to suck it up and try to make this easier on myself. Breathe....repeat.

So, while we're talking kids, I might as well spill it. We're having another one. Yep, I'm going to be a mom of two in August. I had my first doctor's appointment yesterday and all looks great, so I'm hopeful that this pregnancy will go smoothly and that I survive this first trimester. I have been puking like a 17 year old supermodel after a burger binge and I feel like I'm deep sea fishing half the day. Buh. I've also had a few, um, mood swings. When I say "mood swings", I mean murderous rage. I could seriously rip apart anyone who gets in my way if they catch me at the wrong moment. It's fun in our house right now, especially for Paul. Thank God for patient husbands.

Giuliana is doing some pretty rad things these days. She says "uh oh" and "Da Da" and she can cruise the entire perimeter of our coffee table. She's clapping her hands and waving, too. I must say, this age has been the most fun thus far. She has personality, she's interactive and she's a very sweet little girl. Strong willed, yes, but very sweet. I mean, what did you expect? The child comes by stubbornness naturally. She's sleeping better and we seem to be getting almost 10-11 hours out of her each night unless she's sick. What we're not getting; however, are two top teeth. Those suckers have been threatening to poke through her gums for two months now and still nothin'! I'm hoping they'll be here in time for her to take a big ol' bite of her 1st birthday cake!

So, that's about it for I say..ready or not, BRING IT, 2012! Let's do the damn thing.

Peace out fools.

p.s. Check out the clip below. The girl is well on her way to being a regular Chatty Cathy. Oh, and pay no mind to my shitty videography skills. Thanks to Nanny and Pa for the video camera!

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